Every day, our herbs and spices are used all over the world, adding that little touch to enhance the taste experience of people.
We believe it is our mandate to continuously bring this experience to our customers, every day, reliably, without exception.
This, simply, is why we believe in purity.
We do our utmost to preserve what nature provides us with. We deliver the original flavor to our customers worldwide, keeping our product pure and unadulterated.
We check every single bag for purity, conduct countless tests to ensure our integrity. At Altuntas, adulterants are not allowed in our value chain. We devote countless hours to train our suppliers for what matters the most, ensuring that our operation remains pure and unadulterated.
For over 50 years, Altuntas has kept its products, value chain and business free from adulterants. We are offering only pure, untainted, unadulterated herbs and spices to the World.
We summarize all the production of herbs and spices from Altuntas as pure, agile and reliable.